Elder Care Servies Serving Meridian, GA

Below is a list of caregivers in Meridian, GA that provide elder care services.

Coastal Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging

1181 Coastal Drive SW
Darien, GA 31305
The CRC Area Agency on Aging is responsible for providing helpful information to families looking for answers about aging and disability-related issues in the coastal region. Our services are available to anyone regardless of income, race or national origin.The Area Agency on Aging offers access to a wide range of services provided at home or in a community setting. Trained Gateway Specialists are available to answer questions and provide referrals to community agencies in your area.

Georgia Cares

1181 Coastal Drive SW
Darien, GA 31305
Services includes: prescription assistance programs, Medicare Beneficiary, Analyzing your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN), Comparing and Evaluating Health Insurance and managed care plans.

Georgia Legal Services

10 Whitaker Street Second Floor
Savannah, GA 31412
Services provided : Advice and counsel for civil cases, Brief service, Representation in administrative hearings and court Other legal assistance, Educational programs ,Referrals to private attorneys and to other services


127 F Street
Brunswick, GA 31412
Trained volunteer counselors help Medicare beneficiaries sort through the complexities of Medicare and reated health insurance concerns.