SHINE (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders)

MetroWest Regional SHINE Program
Needham Council on Aging, 83 Pickering Ave
Needham, MA 02492
(781) 453-8076 (O)
(781) 453-8076 (Info)
(800) 243-4636 (SFT)
Monday through Friday 9am to 4pm
SHINE is a statewide program that provides free health insurance information, assistance and counseling to Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers. The MetroWest SHINE Program covers 22 cities and towns in the area west of Boston. Elders typically can meet with a SHINE counselor at the senior center located in their home town.
Special Notes:
SHINE counselors help seniors and all Medicare beneficiaries understand their rights and benefits under Medicare and their other health insurance coverage.