Elder Care Servies Serving Mallory, NY

Below is a list of caregivers in Mallory, NY that provide elder care services.

New York State Office for the Aging

2 Empire State Plaza
5th Floor
Albany, NY 12223

Oswego County Office for Aging

70 Bunner Street
Oswego, NY 13126

Oswego County Office for the Aging

70 Bunner St., PO Box 3080
Oswego, NY 13126
In cooperation with various subcontractors, Oswego County provides outreach for those who are homebound due to poor health or lack of transportation, Senior Nutrition Services, transportation to Senior Nutrition sites and shopping, legal assistance, R.S.V.P. Telephone Reassurance and friendly visitor programs, Health Insurance and prescription insurance counseling. Home delivered meals are available for the more rural, isolated elderly in the county (see SNAP listing) and Congregate meals are offered for seniors at 8 sites. In-home care (personal care and/or housekeepers chore) services are available for older person (over 60) who require such minimal assistance to remain in their own homes.