Elder Care Servies Serving Darlington, PA

Below is a list of caregivers in Darlington, PA that provide elder care services.


Stone Point Landing, Suite 200A
500 Market Street
WB Beaver, PA 15009
Services included: Early intervention, Home care, Vocational Supports, Residential Supports, Recreational Activities, Protective services, Disability Healthcare and Advocacy.

Beaver County Link to Aging and Disability Resources

1020 Eighth Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Beaver County Office on Aging

1020 Eighth Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Services include: Information & Referral, Assessment, Care Management, APPRISE, Family Caregiver Support Program, Pennsylvania Department of Aging Waiver Program, Options Services,Personal Care and Home Health Services, Personal Assistance Services,Homemaker Service, Respite Care, Adult Day Care, Transportation, Prime Time Health, Domiciliary Care,Chore Service,Long Term Care Ombudsman,Telephone Reassurance, Adult Protective Service at (724)775-1786 or 1-800-272-0567 and Home Delivered Meals.

Neighborhood Legal Services

266 Franklin AVenue
Aliquippa, PA 15001
Provides Civil legal services to low-income individuals & families. Services includes but not limited: protection abuse, morgage foreclosure, wrongul eviction, wage claims, child custody disputes, utility shutoffs, loss of stamps and denial of other public benefits. Consumers in need of wills, bankruptcy etc. are serviced by NLS

Pennsylvania Senior Law Helpline

100 South Broad Street Ste. 1810
Philadelphia, PA 19110
The SeniorLAW Helpline is a free, confidential telephone legal service, staffed by attorneys, that is available to give Pennsylvania residents, 60 and older, legal information and advice.